Information Security Solutions

At Globals, we understand that as information technology soars to new heights, the need to protect computers or networks from external threats becomes more important. These threats may come in the form of malicious ware, viruses, spyware and or computer hackers. To counter these threats and make sure your business information remains secure and uncompromised, we have developed comprehensive information security solutions. Our tools can detect the presence of any system security threat and take appropriate measures.

These solutions are inclusive of the following stages:

  • First and foremost, we tap into threat intel to secure loopholes before threats reach your system. Using our threat intelligence, we battle daily breaches and break-ins. What’s more? We simplify our solutions so they are easily decipherable by our consumers.
  • Essentially, we aim to detect threats in the closest radius through existing parameters. Alongside this, we constantly refine these rules so as to avoid threats, which tend to bypass security measures.
  • This sums up our pursuit of threats, when we suspect unauthorized extraction of data. We do not sit around for the threat to penetrate, but instead actively follow up signs of intrusion.
  • We identify the reasons for the crisis, and chalk out exact specifications.
  • This is the aftermath of a cyber breach. The intention is to safeguard all loose ends and secure the system.
  • These are the steps taken in order to safeguard your system against future threats and prevent previous breaches from getting repeated.